This month has been a rollercoaster ride from start to finish. What bit of free time I’ve managed to scrounge up for this little site has been scarcer than I’d like to admit. At the very least, I’ve managed to spend the brunt of that time thumbnailing the rest of chapter one. MP 1-5 is definitely on the way sooner rather than later and I’m hoping November is kinder to me than October was.
I’ve made a few minor updates to the site. For the homepage, I’ve created some graphic headers to put in place the text subheadings. There’s some actual info on the About page now, though I may have to rewrite it a bit in the future. Eventually I’ll add some info about Orbyss Archives as a whole. I’m also working on a little bio for myself, so you can get to know yours truly. Eventually I want to add a profiles page for character and location info; and a gallery page for showcasing artwork and graphics.
Suffice it to say that this little site of mine wasn’t at 100% when I released it. But I was so excited to put it out and I’m always proud of the work that I put out. I’m eager to show you guys what else I have in store for you. I hope you enjoyed this little teaser for the next page.
Until Next Time,
Get Some Sleep!