

Collected here are stories, writings, and other miscellanea concerned with the various characters, places, and things found throughout these archives of a world called Orbyss.

Please explore to your heart’s content.

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Some notes shake up the Void, which gets bored of the excitement at once.

This gives way to a great YAWN that begins the conversation between You and I.

As The Void slips into a deep, exhausted slumber…

You and I create the Universe together.

There’s no reason to worry.

The End of the World isn’t The End of Everything.

Not even The End could undo You and I.

A Flame burns without a care for time.

It shines warmly in the present, lighting the way

for all those who may be lost in darkness.

Creation. Deconstruction. Creation again. In cycle.

The Conversation between You and I carries on among The Stars.

The Universe made and unmade with every feeling, thought, and word.

The End