

Collected here are stories, writings, and other miscellanea concerned with the various characters, places, and things found throughout these archives of a world called Orbyss.

Please explore to your heart’s content.

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Beyond this point is the story of a universe

set forth from beginning to end

though not in order of time.

Some notes shake up the Void which gets bored of the excitement immediately.

This gives way to a great YAWN that begins the conversation between You and I.

As The Void silently slips into a deep slumber…

You and I create the Universe together.

From this point on, there’s nothing more to worry about;

No matter what happens, you’ve already seen

what The End of the World really looks like.

A Flame burns without a care for the past or future.

It shines warmly in the present, lighting the way

for those who may be lost in darkness.

. . .

The End

…for now